Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nairobi National Park

This Wednesday I went to Nairobi National Park. It was great. We saw rhino (which are now nearly impossible to see).
While i was there I made a chart of stuff. To me the rhinos and the lions were pretty lucky, but these lions gave you the opportunity of a photo that could win a million awards. Here is the list.
Ostrich: 4
Heartabeest: 76
Thompson's gazelle: 11
Eland: 48
Baboons: 36
Rhinos: 2
Buffalo: more than 78
Lions: 4
Giraffe: 5
Warthog: 2
Waterbuck: 7
Dik dik: 2
This list says the name of the animal on the left and says how many we saw on the right.
Here are some photos.

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