Friday, November 30, 2012


I went to the Masoala Forest Lodge recently and I have rated it a four and a half star lodge. Very comfortable and very relaxing.  If you do not like travel this might be a bit difficult. This lodge is in the Masoala Peninsula. In case you are wondering what that is the Masoala Pinisula is a place in Madagascar. I have two ways to get there from JFK in New York.
1. Go from New York to Paris on Airfrance. Once you have got to Paris, take the Airfrance flight to Antananarivo. Them go from Antananarivo to Maroansetra on Air Madagascar.
2. Go from New York to Amsterdam on KLM then go to Nairobi, Kenya on KLM. Then take the Kenya airways to Antananarivo. After that go to Maroansetra.

It was even better because the Masoala Peninsula is a place in Madagascar where the forest goes all the way to beach so you have two things in one. So you can go for a hike in the morning and swim in the afternoon. With a coral reef near by the snorkeling is great. With great meals and comfortable hammocks, this is a five star. Unfortunately no. They do not have a pool and don't have wifi. But you can see red ruffed lemur, white fronted brown lemur, leafed tailed gecko, short legged round roller, paradise fly catchers, and a lot if other cool things so that makes it a 4 and a half star.

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