Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Walrus vs elephant seal

Who would win a walrus or an elephant seal?
The two meet. The elephant seal starts pushing him, but the walrus pushes harder! The seal brakes one of the walrus' tusks. Walrus pushes the seal off and wins.

Nairobi National Park

This Wednesday I went to Nairobi National Park. It was great. We saw rhino (which are now nearly impossible to see).
While i was there I made a chart of stuff. To me the rhinos and the lions were pretty lucky, but these lions gave you the opportunity of a photo that could win a million awards. Here is the list.
Ostrich: 4
Heartabeest: 76
Thompson's gazelle: 11
Eland: 48
Baboons: 36
Rhinos: 2
Buffalo: more than 78
Lions: 4
Giraffe: 5
Warthog: 2
Waterbuck: 7
Dik dik: 2
This list says the name of the animal on the left and says how many we saw on the right.
Here are some photos.